Friday, March 12, 2021

My take aways from the Oprah interview with Meghan and Harry


1. Facts and truth are not the same. Two plus two equals four is a fact. Fact is an established and indisputable idea based on empirical research, calculations, and quantifiable measures.

Truth, on the other hand, will always be associated with one's emotions, perspective, beliefs, and other aspects that influence one's view. One's truth might say that s/he was being attacked by someone but that someone's truth might say that s/he was just being playful. Regardless of the consequences, they both might just be telling the truth -  their own truths. The versions of truths may vary depending on who and how many are involved in a situation. That's the tricky part because we are all entitled to our own truths.

2. You cannot invalidate someone else's experience and cry for help just because you went through something similar or worse and got through it. We all suffer differently, we cope differently, and so when someone explicitly asks for help, the only thing that should be given is help or assistance to get that help.

3. Sometimes, when someone famous people ask for privacy, maybe what they're really asking is for the negative publicity to stop - most especially if the negative publicity is the opposite to their truths. Speaking out in an international interview may seem contradictory to the cry for privacy but maybe they reached a breaking point for not being heard and that they wanted their version of the truth to be out in the open as a way to defend themselves when no one else speaks for them.