The word relationship is a general term which refers to the connection of an individual whether to another individual or to a group. There are many types of relationship and the term can be used in different perspectives. But let us focus on the most common type of relationship – the boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.
This type of relationship is easy to understand. Both the male and the female have mutual feelings of love for each other. At this point, the term love is just used to refer to the different basis of the feelings shared by the two people involved in the relationship. Yes, a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship can have different basis or foundation, and more often than not, these things also determine the rate of success of the relationship. Let us find out what can be the different basis or foundation of a relationship?
Friendship – this is very common whether in real life or in movies. There are a lot of relationships that started from friendship – either you belong to the same circle of friends, childhood friends, best friends, or even just casual friends. For me, this could be a good foundation because in most cases, the people involved already know each other and won’t have a hard time in getting along. Others say that friends should not develop an intimate understanding because it is forbidden. But that is not true – friendship is a nice thing and does not forbid the gift of love. However, there will come a time that they might feel awkward especially when they start to realize that boyfriend-girlfriend is different from just being friends. But if they are able to survive this stage, then there is a big possibility that their relationship can be successful.
Courting – this refers to the process where the male pursuits the female. Courting also happens in the friendship category mentioned above but courting when the people barely know each other can be a different case. It usually goes like this: Mr. Guy saw Miss Girl and got attracted and he tried to find a way how to know Miss Girl. Finally he got the chance to be introduced and started asking her to go out and start knowing each other. During this stage, mutual feelings develop and finally Miss Girl would agree to have a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with Mr. Guy.
*** But not all courting stories end like this :D There can be different versions such as: 1) Mr. Guy realized that he doesn’t really like Miss Girl so he would stop courting; 2) Miss Girl will not develop mutual feelings with Mr. Guy so at the end, its either she would say NO or LET’S JUST BE FRIENDS ☺***
With all the unique individuals in this world, there are unique love stories. Some are happy, some are not. But what makes a love story successful? Is it chocolates? Flowers? Dinner Dates? Hugs and kisses? Expensive gifts? Sweetness? NO. It’s a BIG NO. NO. NO. NO.
No matter how sweet your relationship is and no matter how luxurious your relationship can be – those things are not the basis of a strong and successful relationship.
FAITH – some synonyms of this word in the thesaurus are: confidence, trust, reliance, conviction, belief, assurance and devotion. By just reading these words, you might think that it is very difficult but it’s not. It’s just a matter of believing that your partner is a gift from God and that he or she is guided by God and that you have God in your relationship. You don’t have to be religious to have faith – all you need is to believe in the love that you feel but once you doubt your love for each other, then it’s time for you to think and pray.
HONESTY – some synonyms are uprightness, morality, trustworthiness and decency. Yes, honesty is the best policy and indeed it is. But we can’t deny the fact that this is sooooo hard to do. Maybe there’s some thingy there in our brain which always initiate the will to lie. But just ALWAYS remember: A RELATIONSHIP BASED ON LIES IS A RELATIONSHIP THAT DIES. Never ever make lies as the foundation of your relationship, because you are not only lying to your partner but also to God and to yourself.
UNDERSTANDING – nobody in this world doesn’t need understanding. If you don’t want to understand then you don’t deserve to be understood. It’s as simple as that.
These things are just the basics – but they mean a lot and should be valued. And of course LOVE. But love is not just a single aspect because if you lack the things mentioned above, then what you feel is not love – it’s just a mere attraction.
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